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- Key financial information as of June 30, 2014
SPP - distribúcia Successfully Issued Bonds
Bratislava, 17 June 2014 – The operator of the Slovak gas distribution network, the company SPP – distribúcia, a.s. successfully issued bonds in international markets in the amount of 500 million EUR. Maturity of the bonds is seven years. The purpose of the issue is to optimize the company’s capital.
Citigroup, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Societe Generale and Unicredit Bank were the managers of the issued bonds. Bonds issued by the Slovak energy infrastructure have sparked a remarkable interest among investors. It was approximately six times greater than the volume of issuance. “This shows the extraordinary stability and quality of our company. We have succeeded to get cheap and stable funding for particularly advantageous terms in international markets,” said CEO of SPP – distribúcia, a.s., František Čupr.
The issue was listed in the Irish Stock Exchange. Most of it was subscribed by the investors from Germany. SPP – distribúcia, a.s. does not expect any further indebtedness. The company has achieved an optimal debt defined by the company’s shareholders, which will not affect the customers in any way. Even after the issue, SPP – distribúcia, a.s. will remain one of the least indebted infrastructure companies in the European Union.
SPP - distribúcia Distributes Natural Gas in Slovakia without Restrictions
Bratislava, 17 June 2014 – The situation concerning the interruption of gas supplies from Russia to Ukraine does not have an impact on Slovakia’s gas supply. Gas suppliers have provided for a full supply of natural gas for their customers. Distribution of natural gas for all gas customers connected to the distribution network continues today to the full extent and without any restrictions. The average daily consumption of natural gas in Slovakia is currently around 6 million cubic metres of gas per day.
SPP – distribúcia, a.s., as the operator of the gas distribution network in Slovakia, in cooperation with the operator of the transmission network – Eustream, a.s., closely monitor the situation. According to the operator of the transmission network, Eustream is prepared to provide for a reverse flow of natural gas in Slovakia from Austria in the volume of 23.8 million of m3 of natural gas per day and from the Czech Republic in the volume of 67 million of m3 per day. These are the declared technical limits at each points followed by the Slovak gas distributor.
SPP – distribucia, a.s. is prepared to meet its obligations under the legislation, i.e. manage gas distribution and provide for a gas supply for households in the event of an emergency.